Your Insurance
Limits of USD 6,000,000 each and every claim and in the aggregate in respect of any claim arising from Medical Professional Liability, Public Liability and Professional Indemnity

Medical Professional & Public Liability
Indemnification for any claim made against you for any bodily injury, mental injury, illness, disease or death of any patient caused by any negligent act, error or omission committed by you or public liability (in respect of of bodily injury or property damage) arising as a result of your business

Professional Indemnity
Other Benefits

Breach of Confidentiality
Breach of Intellectual Property*
Defamation, Libel and Slander*
Loss of Documents*
Court Attendance Costs*
Dishonesty of Employees*
Contract of Insurance with Lloyd’s of London
24/7 Medico-Legal Advice Hotline
Extended Reporting Period of 10 years in respect of death, permanent disablement or retirement.
Good Samaritan Acts (Worldwide)
Public Relations Expenses*
Representation Costs*
Student Coverage
Joint Venture Liability
*sub-limit of USD 25,000 each and every claim and in the aggregate